How to update your profile as an administrator

How to update your profile as an administrator

As an administrator, you can update your bio data and other relevant information as you please. To find out how to update your profile, find below article helpful;

1. After logging into your page as an administrator, click the Edit Profile button at the top-right of the page. 

2. Make necessary changes to your bio data, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Next button.
3. The next page displays other information, make the necessary changes, scroll to the button of the page and click the Next button.
4. It displays the review page which is the last step  in order to confirm that all details are correct and verified before proceeding.
5. Scroll to the button of the page and  click the Finish button to save changes made. 

Note : If any details are incorrect, click the Previous button to go back to the relevant page, correct it and finally click the Finish button.

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